Your machine learning Expert

Instructed Machines

Our mission is to take your business to the next level with cutting-edge AI

Your Bridge to Machine Learning Excellence

From Professional Development to
AI Commercialization

We are here to ensure ML is a game-changer for you, not just a buzzword. We have two core competencies: we help ML professionals make the most out of their careers, and we lend our skills to startups and VC firms in seamless commercialization and detailed due diligence of ML projects.


For Businesses

Flashy demos are easy. Commercialization is hard. We have the skill and experience to help your ML idea become a commercial success.

Elevate your career

For Engineers

We believe in growing the next generation of ML engineers. Mentoring, teaching, and helping you get jobs are in our DNA.
Learn how to build the future with ML.

Leverage industry experience

Ilya B. Reznik

Ilya is in his second decade of building large machine learning/AI systems. He has worked for the US government, Adobe, Twitter, and Meta where he was the technical lead on a high revenue team. If you have been online today, you have interacted with an ML system built by Ilya.In 2023, Ilya began using his experience to help smaller companies build the state-of-the-art AI/ML systems.

Delivering ML Products

Join these companies

Join the growing list of innovative startups who trust us to take them to the next level.

ML Observability

Arize AI

Monitor, troubleshoot, and fine tune your machine learning models

Data Engineering


Build, automate, and centralize production-ready batch, streaming, and real-time data pipelines to power any ML application with fresh ML features on demand

Your Tech Team

Experience and Empathy

We seek to understand your AI/ML needs deeply and build reliable software that is easy to maintain.

How can we help you?

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© Instructed Machines, LLC 2023. All rights Reserved

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